The testimony of Autogrill and the path of sustainable development achieved by the Company with the international project will Afuture will be brought into the Salone by Silvio De Girolamo, Group Chief Internal Audit & CSR Officer, who will speak Wednesday, who will take part to the round table titled Agenda 2030, and Sustainability goals: the role of companies, dedicated to sustainable development objectives, and within the encounter entitled Circular economy, benefits for all, centered on the sharing of projects which are based on the adoption of the three R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
The 2016 edition of the show is focused on three key decisive words now to ensure the sustainable development of companies: Change, Cohesion, Competitiveness.
- Change - because you need to innovate and innovate to meet the demands of a rapidly changing society
- Cohesion - to emphasize the important role that social relationships at all levels have for the development of individual organizations but also of the country
- Competitiveness - because thanks to the ability to innovate and commitment to greater social cohesion, organizations can better address the challenges of an increasingly complex market.
Promoted by Bocconi University, CSR Manager Network, Unioncamere, Alliance of Italian Cooperatives, Sodalitas Foundation, Koinètica - the Show is an eagerly awaited by those who deal with sustainability, social innovation and CSR–