Dal Dire al Fare - from 2011 to 2008

The Convention focuses on the practical advantages that corporate social responsibility can bring to institutions, businesses, citizens.


Autogrill is a sponsor of the 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Forum " Dal Dire al Fare"promoted by Regione Lombardia, Provincia di Milano, Milano Metropoli Agenzia di Sviluppo, Sodalitas, Università Bocconi, BIC-la Fucina and Koinetica.

This, the 7th CSR Forum, is an opportunity for institutions, enterprises and citizens to discuss theoretical principles, tendencies and best practices in the field of CSR. With a wide exhibition area and a rich cultural programme, the event constitutes for firms, institutions and no profit organization an opportunity to meet each other, discuss and starting new collaborations. This year Dal Dire al Fare is organized around 4 main topics :

  • Sustainable competitivness and ethic finance 
  • Environmental sustainability 
  • Social cohesion and economic development 
  • Human resource valorization 

Autogrill will share her experience in caring for and managing his co-workers in the Workshop on “Human re source valorization “, talking about a topic that the company knows best : food and nutrition.


Autogrill is a sponsor of the 2010 Corporate Social Responsibility Forum promoted by Regione Lombardia, Provincia di Milano, Milano Metropoli Agenzia di Sviluppo, Sodalitas, Università Bocconi, BIC-la Fucina and Koinetica.

This, the 6th CSR Forum, is an opportunity for institutions, enterprises and citizens to discuss theoretical principles, tendencies and best practices in the field of CSR. This year too, the Honorary Committee, of which Autogrill is a member, has produced a programme of conferences, workshops and PA spaces dedicated to young people, CSR experts and special events.

Autogrill will be playing an active role in the proceedings, with Gianluca Metti, Project manager Afuture Autogrill Italia, taking part in the conference " The sustainable management of the water resource" on 29 september at 9:30 a.m and Silvio di Girolamo, head of Internal audit & CSR officer, taking part in a workshop entitled “CSR on trial”, on 29 September (at 4 pm).

In addition to the various meetings, there will be an exhibition, as in previous years, on the main sustainability initiatives promoted by companies.


Autogrill is a sponsor of the 2009 “Corporate Social Responsibility Expo”, entitled “Dal dire al fare” (between doing and saying), promoted by Milano Metropoli Agenzia di Sviluppo, BIC la Fucina, Sodalitas, Università Bocconi, Milan’s provincial administration and Lombardia’s regional government.

This, the 5th Convention, focuses on the concrete advantages that corporate social responsibility can give government, business and citizens.

This year the Expo will also feature a series of panels constituting the first CSR exhibition to be organized in Italy: a brief history of the development of CSR as told by its leading exponents, companies which decided to make social responsibility a strategic priority and other organizations which have undertaken innovative projects in the field.

There is also a rich cultural programme including conferences, workshops, a section for young people and various special events Autogrill, for the fourth year, will take part in "Destination Environment: integrated waste management", a workshop scheduled for Monday 29th September, at 2 pm.


The event will provide exhibition space and various meetings and workshops on best practice in the field of corporate social responsibility.

For the third year Autogrill is organizing a stand at the event, a beverage service and will also take part actively in the proceedings with a workshop "A future: la declinazione della sostenibilità negli Autogrill"", Wednesday, 24th September, 16 to 18.