Appointment and duration
The Board of Auditors is elected by the Shareholders' Meeting, which decides on remuneration criteria with a list voting system. At present, the Autogrill Board of Statutory Auditors has 3 regular auditors and 2 alternate auditors that will hold office for the financial years 2021-2023.
Alternate Auditors: Michaela Castelli and Roberto Miccù
The CONSOB website (at page provides updated information on the administrative and control tasks performed by the auditors.
It supervises:
- respect of laws and the Articles of Association;
- compliance with correct administration standards;
- adequacy of the company's organization structure related to competence, internal control system, administrative-accounting system and the latter's reliability related to presenting management facts correctly;
- correct implementation of corporate governance regulations set forth in the codes of conduct drawn up by management companies operating on regulated markets or by category associations, which the company, through information to the public, declares that it adheres to;
- adequacy of instructions issued by the company to subsidiaries for correct fulfilment of communication obligations established by law;
In compliance with applicable laws, the Board of Auditors also supervises the financial information process, the effectiveness of the internal and risk control system, the external auditing of annual and consolidated accounts and the independence of the external auditing company, specifically related to the supply of non-auditing services.