The finals of the 2nd European Barista Competition, an international event that Autogrill organizes for the barmen in its points of sale across Europe in partnership with Kimbo, took place today at latter’s headquarters in Naples.
The 10 finalists were invited to make an espresso coffee, a cappuccino and a creative recipe for a coffee-based cocktail. The contestants were assessed by a jury of excellence comprising experts from SCAE (Speciality Coffee Association of Europe), Europe’s top certifying authority in the field of coffee.
First place was won by Sadet Saip , who will hold the title of Autogrill Kimbo Espresso Caffè European Ambassador for the whole of 2016 and have the opportunity to visit the plantations in Brazil where Kimbo selects the raw material for its coffee blends.
The European Barista Competition, this year in its 2nd edition, is organized by Autogrilli and Kimbo as a statement of the relationship of close collaboration between the two companies.
Over 70 barmen from nine European countries took part in the various national competitions, starting at the end of March 2015, with the aim of being selected for the coveted finals in Naples. So the 10 finalists at the Neapolitan competition were all expert professionals of proven capabilities and consummate skill.