Registered Office
Via Luigi Giulietti, 9 - 28100 Novara (NO) - Italy
Share Capital Euro 145,761,789.78 fully paid
Companies Register of Novara / Tax number 03091940266
Company subject to the direction and coordination of Dufry AG
Registered Office: Brunngässlein 12 – 4010 Basel, Svizzera
Share Capital: Swiss francs 607,301,680
Commercial register of the Canton of Basel-Stadt CHE-110.286.241
The company Autogrill S.p.A. was merged into the company World Duty Free S.r.l. effective as from November 1st, 2023 .
At the same time, the company World Duty Free S.r.l. was transformed into a joint-stock company with the name World Duty Free S.p.A..