
Each of the four committees set up by the Board of Directors has an advisory, proactive role in the matters it is competent for.
The Strategies and Sustainability Committee is a volunteer body formed by the Board of Directors

Human Resources Committee

Nomina e durataAppointment and duration

The committees were dissolved on 24 July 2023, partly due to the delisting of the company and the dissolution of the entire Board of Directors on that same day.


Consistent with recommendations in the Corporate Governance Code, the Committee is formed by non-executive and independent directors.

The committee members up to 24 July 2023 were as follows:



Marella Moretti

Chairwoman - Independent Director

Bruno Chiomento

Independent Director

Emanuela Trentin

Independent Director

Attività svolteActivities

The Human Resources Committee, pursuant to Recommendation no. 25 of the Corporate Governance Code, is responsible (among other matters) for periodically assessing the adequacy and overall consistency of the policy for the remuneration of Directors and senior executives, which must be functional to the pursuit of the Company’s sustainable success. In addition to serving as a “remuneration committee", the Human Resources Committee also carries out tasks related to the organization and development of human resources and sets the guidelines for appointing the corporate body members of important subsidiaries.



Control, Risks and Corporate Governance Committee

Nomina e durataAppointment and duration

The committees were dissolved on 24 July 2023, partly due to the delisting of the company and the dissolution of the entire Board of Directors on that same day.


Consistent with recommendations in the Corporate Governance Code, the Committee is formed by non-executive and independent directors.

The committee members up to 24 July 2023 were as follows:



Giuseppina Capaldo

Chairwoman- Independent Director

Bruno Chiomento

Independent Director

Emanuela Trentin

Independent Director

Attività svolteActivities

The committee assists the Board of Directors with investigative, advisory and proactive functions in its assessment and decisions concerning the internal control system, risk management and corporate governance for the Company and the Group, and with the approval of periodical financial reports.


Committee for Operations with Related Parties:



Related Parties Transactions Committee

Nomina e durataAppointment and duration

The committees were dissolved on 24 July 2023, partly due to the delisting of the company and the dissolution of the entire Board of Directors on that same day.


In compliance with regulations applicable, the Committee only includes independent directors.

The committee members up to 24 July 2023 were as follows::



Giuseppina Capaldo

Coordinator - Independent Director

Francisco Javir Gavilan

Independent Director

Bruno Chiomento

Independent Director

Attività svolteActivities

Its functions are to ensure transparency and substantial procedure correctness of operations with related parties, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


Comitato Strategie e Investimenti:


Strategies and Sustainability Committee

Nomina e durataAppointment and duration

The committees were dissolved on 24 July 2023, partly due to the delisting of the company and the dissolution of the entire Board of Directors on that same day.


Consistent with recommendations in the Corporate Governance Code, the Committee is formed by non-executive directors, most of whom independent.

The committee members up to 24 July 2023 were as follows:



Xavier Rossyniol Espel


Sabine Regula Furler

Independent Director

Francisco Javir Gavilan

Independent Director

Attività svolteActivities

It has preparatory and advisory functions regarding the strategic direction and guidance of the investment policies of the Group. In particular, it examines CEO's proposals for approval by the Board of Directors regarding:

  • business strategies;
  • multi-year plans and budgets of the Group and operative companies of strategic importance, together with important transactions, giving opinions and/or recommendations;
  • annual budget and multi-year investments plan and relative updating or additions;
  • Group investments policy and relative updating;
  • specific investment projects of special strategic and/or economic importance
  • sustainability guidelines.

Moreover, the Strategies and Sustainability Committee monitors business strategies and investment programs approved by the Board of Directors.


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