“Moving towards sustainability is not just a passing trend, it is a necessary step in a chain of actions to secure a strong and healthy future for the planet as a whole”
- Bastiaan van Asten, Vice President of Food & Beverage at HMSHost International -
A circular food system
The sustainability strategy of HMSHost derives from that of the parent company Autogrill committed to achieving a better and more sustainable future for all, through a global strategy called “Start from Somewhere”: taking small steps, but taking action.
Investing in chicken farm Kipster it’s been one of these steps. Thanks to a completely circular cycle, chickens are fed only with left overs of products that we as humans no longer eat and roosters are raised for meat production instead of killing them immediately. It seems the perfect solution to prevent waste and contribute to a better environment. For Autogrill Group, being a partner since November 2018 means to reach important goals compliant with the United Nations SDGs guidelines : less energy consumption, circularity in food, animal welfare.
Autogrill consumers are more over interested in the background story of products they’re eating, in terms of quality and impact on the environment. Knowing that in omeletess, sandwiches, salads they taste every day at the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol - where HMSHost is the leading provider of F&B - there are eggs exclusively coming from 42,000 happy chickens raise in animal friendly farm it’s an important plus value.
Kipster: the farm designed on chicken's needs
Kipster (‘kip’ is the Dutch for chicken and ‘ster’ for star) is a revolutionary farm near the south-eastern city of Venray founded by poultry expert and university lecturer Ruud Zanders, together with sustainable enterpreneurs Olivier Wegloop and Maurits Groen and a young passionate farmer, Styn Claessens. They have built the most animal and environmental friendly poultry farm in the world.
Driven by question “how to feed a growing world population in a fair way?” their farm today has the highest welfare standards matched with the lowest possible environmental cost.
Discover more on Kipster website.
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