Autogrill: a food offer for every nutritional need

Sustainable future

A commitment going back years

For years now, Autogrill has been listening to its customers and rapidly translating their needs into an innovative and diversified offering based on new concepts, menus and recipes developed to satisfy various nutritional requirements.

Throughout its experience in fact, Autogrill has been able to renew and evolve its products by anticipating people’s needs. It started widening its offering of plant-based, healthy foods with simple and genuine ingredients years ago.

The Nature of Risk

Sustainable future

Gone are the times when the Risk Management Department’s role was one of “compliance” with obligations to provide information. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and climate change are revealing the complexity and potential fragility of the market contexts in which we, like many others, are called upon to operate.

WASCOFFEE®: giving coffee grounds a second life

Sustainable future

Has it ever occurred to you that having a quick coffee at the counter could be the start of another journey, another story, a new path?
It certainly occurred to Autogrill and led to WASCOFFEE®, the open innovation project that explored opportunities to recycle one of the raw materials most symbolic of its business.
WASCOFFEE® is a 100% natural and recyclable material used to make eco-design furnishings..

Let's shape our values

Sustainable future

I nostri valori

What do a purple bicycle and a glimpse of the sky filled with coloured umbrellas have in common?

And what is the link between a baby using a plate like a hat and adults lying on the ground?

And, above all, how can they all be connected with strange, colourful origami shapes?

Autogrill Villoresi Est: where past and future converge

Sustainable future

It was 1958, when one of the most representative Autogrill service stations of all time was built on the Autostrada dei Laghi (A8 Milano-Varese motorway). A building that at that time looked to have come straight out of a sci-fi film, an icon of modernism made in Italy. We are talking about the historic Villoresi Ovest, the Autogrill that was even featured on the cover of Life magazine in the sixties.

After more than 50 years, those places are back in the limelight. Today, exactly opposite the old Villoresi, a volcano is rising up: the most futuristic Autogrill ever created.

O’Hare Urban Garden: hanging between gates

Sustainable future

Anyone asking him his name receives the reply: “My name is Charles Tim Tian Li. Friends have always called me just Li. They don’t care if it’s a surname”. After a smile, he usually adds, “I don’t care anymore either, I’m used to it by now”. After that, he feels obliged to point out that Tian is his grandfather’s name, the first member of his family to come to the United States, whereas he was born and raised in Chicago.