Born in Varese in 1961.
First Degree in Business Economics - Administration and Control (1986), Bocconi University, Milan, and PhD in Business Economics (1993) from the same university. Full professor of Business Economics and Management, Bocconi University. Senior teacher with Sda—Bocconi School of Management. University. Teacher on undergraduate, graduate, executive and MBA courses.
Dean of the Graduate School, Bocconi University, since October 2014 Dean of the Undergraduate School, Bocconi University, from November 2012 to October 2014.Director of MSc in Marketing Management, Bocconi University, from 2004 to 2012.
Visiting Professor at the CBS - Copenhagen Business School (Feb. 2010); ESCP-EAP, Paris (Sept-Dec 2003); and Université Jean Moulin, Lyon (May-June 1998); and a Visiting Scholar at the HEC Montréal July-Aug 2002). Author of many monographs and papers in national and international scientific journals. Collaborator in a number of Italian and international research projects on various aspects of management and marketing.
Chartered accountant, registered on the Register of Auditors.Standing Statutory Auditor of Pirelli & C. S.p.A., from 10th May 2012 to 15th marzo 2016 and of Autogrill since 28th July 2015.Advisory and research activities for industrial businesses, service companies and financial institutions.