Born in Rome in 1971, graduated in economics and commerce at Università La Sapienza in Rome in 1994 and took a Master’s in business administration at Università LUISS – Guido Carli in 1996. She has been registered with the Albo dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili (association of certified accountants) in Rome and the Registro dei Revisori Legali (register of independent statutory auditors) since 1999. She is also on the roll of expert witnesses (CTU) at Rome’s civil law court (since 2004) and criminal law court (since 2008). She is a member of the ODCEC “Technical consulting and legal opinions” study commission in Rome and of NedCommunity.
From 1996 to 2004, she worked in the Financial Services and Corporate Finance divisions of a major consulting firm (KPMG Advisory SpA). Since 2004, she has provided strategic, organizational and financial consulting to private and public companies. In 2016, she joined Studio Gatti to work on industrial plans, business restructuring operations (judicial and extra-judicial advisory and certification reports), extraordinary operations (conversions, mergers and demergers, contributions, capital increases), technical opinions and consulting (party- and court-appointed) in civil and criminal courts.
She has been a statutory auditor and non-executive director in non-listed companies. Recent and current posts in listed companies include the chair of the statutory audit committee of Banca Creval SpA.