Shareholders’ Meeting approves the 2022 financial statements

Milan, 19 April 2023 – The Shareholders' Meeting of Autogrill S.p.A. (Milan: AGL IM), held today in ordinary session and chaired by Bruno Chiomento, examined and approved the 2022 financial statements, which reported a loss of €49.1m. The Shareholders' Meeting also approved the Board of Directors' proposal not to distribute dividends, and to carry forward the loss for the year.

The term of the Board of Directors having expired, the shareholders set at 10 the number of the members of the new Board which will remain in office for one exercise (until approval of the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2023). From the two lists, presented by the majority shareholder Dufry AG., which holds an interest of 50.3% (193,730,675 shares), and by a group of asset management firms and institutional investors, which hold a combined interest of 1.87271% (7,210,550 shares), the AGM appointed the following Directors:

1. Bruno Chiomento
2. Paolo Roverato
3. Giuseppina Capaldo
4. Xavier Rossinyol Espel
5. Francisco Javier Gavilan
6. Marella Moretti
7. Emanuela Trentin
8. Sabine Regula Furler
9. Ernesto Albanese
10. Francesco Umile Chiappetta

The directors' curricula vitae are available online at attached to the two lists presented and included in the Governance section Board of Directors 19 April 2023).