Milan, 13 April 2018 – With reference to the Autogrill S.p.A. (Milan: AGL IM) General Shareholders’ Meeting, scheduled for 24 May 2018 in a single call at 10.30 am (ordinary session) at 16, Corso di Porta Vittoria (Centro Congressi), Milan, the following documents are available to Shareholders and the public on the Company’s website (, governance section – Shareholders’ meetings), on the central storage mechanism named 1Info ( and at the Company’s registered office and secondary headquarters:
(i) the Annual Financial Report, including the draft separate and consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2017, the Directors’ report, the reports of the board of statutory auditors and the statutory audit firm, the certification required under art. 154-bis, of the Legislative Decree no. 58, 24 February 1998 (“FSA”), the Disclosure of Non Financial Information drafted pursuant to the Legislative Decree 254/2016 as well as any further documentation required by the law;
(ii) the annual Corporate Governance and ownership report pursuant to art. 123-bis, FSA;
(iii) the Remuneration report drafted pursuant to art. 123-ter, FSA, art. 84-quarter of the Regulations adopted by Consob in its Resolution 11971, 14 May 1999 and subsequent amendments and additions (the “Issuers’ Regulations”);
(iv) the Board of Directors’ report on the items on the agenda, along with the full text of the proposed resolutions;
(v) information document on the grant of financial instruments to employees and/or Executive Directors in the Company or its subsidiaries in accordance with art. 114-bis, section 1, FSA and art 84-bis of the Issuers’ Regulations.
The notice of call of the Shareholders’ Meeting has been published today on Il Sole 24 ore and Milano Finanza.