Milan, 26 May 2016 - Meeting today in an ordinary session under the chairmanship of Gilberto Benetton, the shareholders of Autogrill S.p.A. (Milan: AGL IM) examined and approved the financial statements for 2015 and voted to allocate profits of €59,347,103 as follows:
- €30,528,000 to dividends at €0.12 per share;
- €28,819,103 to retained earnings, further strengthening the Group’s financial position.
Authorisation to purchase treasury shares
The Shareholders resolved a mandate for the Board of Directors to purchase and subsequently dispose of up to a maximum of 12,720,000 ordinary treasury shares (5% of the share capital), upon revocation – regarding the non-utilized portion – of a similar resolution on the matter voted by the shareholders on 28 May 2015. The purpose of the authorisation is to carry out investment operations and to set up a pool of securities, directly or through intermediaries, as allowed by current legislation. It may also be used for share capital transactions or other operations for which it is necessary or advisable to trade or transfer stock as well as for incentive plans (stock option and stock grant plans) for executive directors and/or employees of the Company and/or its subsidiaries. The Company currently holds 365,212 treasury shares, representing around 0.14% of the share capital. The purchasing authorisation will run for 18 months from today.
Further resolutions
The Meeting also examined the Report on the Group’s remuneration policy and the long-term incentive plans approved by the Board of Directors, and expressed a favourable opinion on them. Lastly, the Meeting approved a phantom stock option plan for employees and directors holding key posts in the Company and/or its subsidiaries as defined in article 2359, Italian Civil Code (the “Subsidiaries” and jointly with the Company the “Group”), named the “2016 Phantom Stock Option Plan”.