Milan , 23 April 2013 - Further to the indications in the notice of Shareholders’ Meeting (ordinary session) published today, the following documents are available to Shareholders and the public at the Company’s registered office and secondary headquarters, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and on the Company’s website (, Governance – Shareholders’ meeting section):
- the annual financial report, comprising the draft separate and consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2012, the directors' report and the certification required under art. 154-bis, clause 5, legislative decree 58/1998, the reports of the board of statutory auditors and the statutory audit firm and the annual corporate governance and ownership report and the documents required under art. 77, clause 2-bis, of the regulation adopted by Consob resolution 11971, 14 May 1999;
- the remuneration report;
- the board of directors’ report on the proposals concerning the agenda of the shareholders’ meeting (ordinary session), including the report on the proposed authorization to buy back and dispose of Autogrill shares.